Private Guitar Teachers in Wollongong

All Ages and Styles

Whether learning to play guitar, bass or ukulele for the first time or advancing the skills you already have we can help.

A Better Way to Learn

Always wanted to learn the guitar? Been playing for years but a bit stuck? Want to take your understanding of your instrument and music to the next level? Perhaps you are looking for an extra curriculum activity for your child?  Learning how to play the guitar is not just fun, it can also enhance your physical and mental health. Our guitar teachers will help you become the player you've always wanted to be.

Private Personalised Lessons

All styles and levels, one-on-one lessons for adults and kids 

Studio Facilities

We teach from our purpose-built studio in Woonona

Lessons For Young People

Guitar lessons are great fun for kids and teens

Lessons For Adults

Whether a first timer, gigging professional or guitar enthusiast

Experienced Teachers

Highly experienced teachers that will guide you every step

All Styles and Genres

We discuss the music students are most excited to learn

What We Do?

Acoustic, electric and lead guitar. Or perhaps bass is more your vibe? Classical? Ukulele? Banjo? We have you covered!

Meet the  Teachers

Paul Grainger


Paul Grainger is a highly experienced and passionate guitar teacher with over 20 years of experience. He has a deep understanding of music and a unique ability to customise his lessons to meet the individual needs and goals of his students, whether they are beginners or advanced players.

Brandon Grainger


Brandon has been playing guitar for over 15 years. He is proficient in all styles, including extended range guitars and bass all levels. He holds a Bachelor's of Music from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

Acoustic Musician for Hire

Want to add some acoustic flair to your next event? Maybe you're looking for a more relaxed atmosphere for your wedding reception? Or perhaps you want to treat your patrons with good live music? Whatever the case may be, Grainger Music is available for live performances and special occasions.

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